welcome to my amazing-unexpectation-extraordinary world life. to read the original thoughts of mine. many thanks knowing u read it whether agree or not. happy reading =)


what are u gonna do when ur life on stagnation?
im on stagnation. just do routine things. wake up, make coffee, turn on comp, have a little chit chat, browse, write, watch tv, take a shower, sleep, eat, and goes like that almost everyday. bored huh? HELL YEAH ! but i try to make it fun. i set my mind to not get bored with that routine. so i wont stuck in boredom. u know,now i really enjoy that routine shit. and lately, my days with the routine things still make my life doing great.
i make my own things in life =)
anyway, have u made it with ur own?
cheerssss ;p


Anonymous said...

aku juga pernah tu mba garing banget gitu tiap hari.
kuliah cuman 1 kali seminggu
terus hari lainnya stuck di kosan
untungnya sekarang udah gak segaring itu lagi si


yaahhh begitulah dhan
but thats life ya,,