welcome to another never ending story. it's not unfinished business yet, for me it's unfinished relationship. anyway, thank God that we're still good. u know that God works in a mysterious way, so i believe that he will show me the way of good path. i just cant speak any words but repeating ur feeling. we're just too complex, in a good way of course. life can be so surprising, I'll take any surprise whether its good or bad. i have faith that i can through it.
it's not about love, not yet. we're just to far away from that. by now, i just feel so comfortable next to him. without have to explain what we've been through together. i dont need to explain anything, so do u. so, this is it, been through day by day with u and been saving all my feeling for u.
i care for u, and someday i'll love u :))))))))))